Monday, November 06, 2006

Racin' in the ' -Woolley!

Here's info on some cool upcoming races in Sedro-Woolley, one of the state's finest hyphenated cities. (And you know, down in Sedro, they love both kinds of music: Country and Western.)

These races take place at Northern State Recreational Area in S-W. See directions below. The contact is the loquacious Dean Taylor: (360) 856-6990 or

Northern State Muckfest 10K
Sunday, December 17, 2006
9:00 am
Details: Cross country type run but without the spikes! Course is field roads, old gravel roads, grassy paths, gravel trail and hopefully some muck (last year it was ice!).
Entry Fee: $3 dollar entry fee covers the hot apple cider, the predict your time $$, the best poker hand $$ and the overall men's and women's awards. Register day of race only.

A Winter Solstice Headlamp 5 Miler
Friday Night, December 22nd
7:00 PM (yes it is a night run!)
Details: Cross country type run but without the spikes! Course is field roads, old gravel roads, grassy paths and gravel trail NO MUCK (different course than Muckfest)! Double loop course. Headlamp or flashlight required!
Entry Fee: $2 to cover food and drink. Register night of race only.

Directions: Meet at parking lot of Northern State Recreation Site, due East of Sedro-Woolley on Highway 20. Turn left on Helmick Road (signed for Upper Skagit Indian Reservation).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    These two pieces were written about the Northern Lights Headlamp Run. Check out for results and photos!
