Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chuckanut 50K Weekend

Saturday is the 16th running of the Chuckanut 50K and the last time on the course we have all come to know and love/hate. Next year, plans are for the route to be much hillier. Above and below, Chuckanut studs Scott Young and John Clark had their final one-on-one coaching sessions with Chris Carmichael. "Run like the wind, my son," he told Scott. Whereas to John he said, "Just don't run like Mike McQuaide and you'll be fine."
These guys have trained hard, been running like two times a day, John had 108 miles one week, Scott's been burning up the treadmill at the Y sending the watts meter into the red and man, I'm glad I'm not doing the race this year. I'm not worthy.
I've written down my predictions for what I think John and Scott will run; I'll let you know Sunday how close I am.
Speaking of Carmichael, a couple more tidbits from last Saturday's talk. He said the Leadville Trail 100 in August is the mountain bike race that Lance is going to do. (Along with this year's Boston and New York marathons.) Also, he thought that if Lance decided next year to come back and do the Tour de France that Carmichael believed he could win it. (Please Lance, don't do it. Think Michael Jordan in a Wizards uniform; that should be enough to scare you.)

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