Friday, June 06, 2008


Because lately it's been so hot and sunny in Bellingham (ALERT: An ironic tone is being employed), we are heading over to Wenatchee this weekend for (hopefully) a good ole-fashioned downpour. I'll ride the Wenatchee Century ( while Jen 'n' Bake will likely hit skateparks in Leavenworth and Apple town. Jen shant skate but will likely knit, for those of you scoring at home. Aplets and Cotlets is no doubt on their agenda as well.

Crazy weather, and by that I mean annoying (ALERT: An ironic tone is NOT being employed now), we've been having. Some have taken to calling this Juneuary, which is fitting. As we head over Stevens Pass later today, we're likely to drive through a rain-snow mix. Well 'tis the Northwest, I suppose.

Yesterday I was interviewed as a mountain-bike expert on KGMI, a local radio station. You can hear it here: ( I'm on segment 1 and 2 and what's really cool is Baker shows up a little at the end of the second segment. Kinda fun.

Back to the Apple Century ride. I've done it twice before. It's beautiful; you ride along the east side of the mighty Columbia River north to Chelan, climb a big hill, then return on the west side. Both times I've ridden it that return leg has been windy as heck, right in the old kisser. Tomorrow's forecast: 25-mph winds in the afternoon. Hmm, guess I'll get an early start.

Oh, and here's a story I wrote about mountain biking in Winthrop that was in The Seattle Times last week:

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