Thursday, September 04, 2008


Cool shirt on Mr. Bettini, huh? (Just can't bring myself to call it a kit. I come from the world of baseball where we wore uniforms, not kits. Anyway ...) This Sunday I'll be styling like the world champion at Ride 542; Jen and Bake got me that shirt for me birthday a few weeks ago.

Speaking of the Mount Baker Hill Climb ... don't know how RD Charlie Heggem does it, but weather forecast looks good. Real good. Clear skies. Temps probably in the 60s. I'll be riding up with the sassy John Clark and irrepressible Steve Vanderstaay, he of the too many a's in his last name. Below, check out what Paolo Bettini took home for winning today's stage of the Vuelta: a pizza and a big knife to cut it with.

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