Thursday, November 27, 2008


The Clark family and friends Thanksgiving Day ride took off for Galbraith this moring. Great time--John, Darren and Tom (I think) Clark, Doug Hyldahl, Steve Vanderstaay, Roger Leischner, and some others including Baker and I. Bake's first ride with the big boys, as it were. He did super! Up Miranda/Ridge to Cedar Dust, the Wall (on which Bake earned huge King of the Mountain points), 187, after which we parted--Bake and I to SST way and the others to the Three Pigs side of the world. Above, Bake catches a little air near the end of SST.
Photography fun:

Yesterday, I rode the Hemlock Trail up to Pine Lake of Pine and Cedar Lakes fame. Beautiful; the lake was glass.

Finally, pick up the latest copy of Adventures NW ( which hit stores earlier this week. I've got a story in there which features photos of Team Unattacked members John C. and Scott Y.

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