Sunday, February 08, 2009


Team Unattacked headed out on their second training ride of the year. And what an epic one she was. Up Galbraith then down Road 4000 to Sudden Valley. Then up Lookout Mountain Road which climbs 2,200 feet in 5-1/2 miles and, as we found out, the top mile of which is still under a couple feet of snow. (As the video shows.)

Then down Lookout where Unattacked Scott Young split for home whilst tap dancing afficianado John Clark and I headed up to the Galbraith Towers. But first we "enjoyed" some straight up the hill bushwacking mit bikes on our shoulders. Killer. Then down via Wonderland, Mullet, etc.

Super great ride: 35 miles, 5,000 feet elevation gain, 4-1/2 hours.

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