Monday, August 31, 2009


September. Sounds to me like summer's drawing to a close. But what a summer it's been. For me, a summer of mucho mountain biking ridin' and racing.
Above, please note image of studly Steve Noble negotiating one of the jumps/drops/things-I-tend-to-ride-around on Lower Bob's up at Galbraith. That was Sunday. He put the hurt on me big time leading us up trails I only ever ride down. Such as all three of the Three Pigs. Today, I rode with the lovely and talented Steve Vanderstaay, he of the three consecutive vowels, on what, it turns out, was his 50th birthday. For fun we rode down the crazy-fast SST, loosening up most of my fillings in the process. 
Speaking of descending super-fast, last Wednesday evening John Clark (who's birthday is Wednesday, I believe) and I rode up the Pine and Cedar Lakes trail which is perhaps the steepest sustained climb around B'ham. Thirteen hundred feet in 1.6 miles. We sounded like a couple of emphysemics riding side-by-side at a whopping 3 miles-per-hour, but we made it. Had a great ride with screaming descents of the Burninator and the Hemlock Trail. We missed the injured Scott "Titanium Cowboy" Young who's on the DL nursing a sprained wrist, suffered a few weeks ago on Whoopsie Woodle.
This area boy is awaiting his Redline 29er single-speed which should arrive later this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh MAN!. I walked, WALKED! up said trail and it burned me for two daze. But I'm looong in the tooth.

    Just saw the vid with the song by Band of Horses and loved it. D/L it on ITunes just because of the vid, so your cut should be coming soon.

    Nice Blog sonny.

    That is all.
