Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Here I am a couple weeks ago during our attempt to ride All of Galbraith in a Day taking a break to enjoy a cup of coffee, made for moi by Steve Hindman. I share this because Thursday's Seattle Times has photos and a little mention of our excursion in my story on Stupid Fun, dubious adventures put together just for the heck of it. Read it here.

The main focus of the story was last month's Battle of the Bikes race from Wenatchee to Ellensburg--any route you want to take, any kind of bike you want to ride. I definitely want to race it next year.

Below are a few more pics from our long, fun Galbraith in a Day ride.
Cathy Crouch, Steve H. and Steve Vanderstaaay in front of Mount Baker.
Admittedly, we missed Scorpion and Evolution, but only because they were closed for the day.

We'd ben out on the trails for seven-plus hours by this point and I think we were all a little punch drunk by now. 

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