Monday, December 20, 2010


Right. It's that time of year. Year-end roundup stuff. Which this sort of is. Bike-related pics one from each month throughout the year. Today, I'll post January through June; tomorrow, July through December. Please enjoy.
January - Johnny Boy Clark on the Taylor Dock on a foggy, foggy morn.
February - Titanium Cancellara and Johnny Boy at the top of Lost Lost Lake Trail on an epic day in which we linked Chuckanut and Blanchard Mountains with some Pine and Cedar Lake action thrown in for fun. I broke a chain and a spoke.

March - T.C. taking a break from tiptoeing through the tulips during our hundred-miler down in Skagit Land.

April - Fat Tire Bike Tour in Paris. Wow. What a place!
May - John and I with our broken collarbones that happened in separate bike incidents about a week apart.
June - T.C. checking out some weird futuristic art thang during a 40-miler on Camano Island.

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