Saturday, September 24, 2011


The Titanium Cowboys got in a 73-miler down to LaConner and back, our first road ride together since the Tour de Whatcom at the end of July.

Terrific ride down Chuckanut Drive across the Skagit Flats into a headwind we knew would be a tailwind on our way back from L'town.  
In LaConner, we got down to serious bidness: foofy espresso drinks, Gatorade, Three Musketeers bars--it was all good. The ride back was the aforementioned tailwind (22 mph w/ nary a pedal turned in anger), several hellatious town sign sprints, a two-mile stretch of gravel road at the top of Colony Mountain Road (suggested by me; I don't think it was popular) and a climb up out of the Lake Samish basin.
A super kickoff to fall with all matches burnt down to the end. 
Every last one.

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