Sunday, October 09, 2011


The ride started with Titanium Cancellara leading the Titanium Cowboys down the Interurban.
Looking for So Easy near the top of Lost Lake Trail, we followed pink ribbon that led ...
... to nowhere. Whilst TC looks intently for the trail John makes like the honey badger and pretty much doens't give a s***.

Actually, John was resting for what was to come. On the way back toward B'hamTown we detoured onto the new Raptor Ridge whereupon Scott's bike slipped out from under him on a muddy rock and his back rim was knocked all a-catawumpus. Eventually, after much bashing and spoke-tightening they straightened it enough that Scott was able to ride out of there. Albeit, at less than race pace.
(Golly, but red photographs well, don't it? Please always wear red whenever I've got my camera out, OK? Thanks.)
On the way back, we stopped for a few moments of chinwagging with legendary runner Chuck Dooley.
And then we saw a horse.
 After saying good-bye to Scott, John and I got stopped by one of them damn coal trains at the south end of Boulevard Park.

So we climbed the tower to get over the tracks ...
... but of course the train was past by the time we got to the top.
No matter. We closed the ride with a latte, a muffin and a quad-tall americano (no room) at Starbucks.  


  1. Hi Mike - Just discovered you thanks to Cami Ostman's inclusion of your site as one of her favorite blogs. Not much of a runner or biker (makes me an oddity of a 'Hamster, I know), but I love your photos and info on new places to hike. (Also, I was sold with your honey badger shout-out.) Glad to meet you out here!

  2. Cool photos. Go Pro camera?

  3. Right you are, Dan O!
    And thanks for the nice comment, Tele. Much appreciated!
