Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Friends with saws help McQuaides go get elaminated!
(BELLINGHAM)--In a surprise move that stunned as many as a few, the McQuaides decided to get rid of the horrible carpet and redo the floor in Jen's computer room-guest area place where Mike's sister Kath sleeps when she comes to visit. It all started when friend Deb Robbins stopped by for a de-cluttering session. Mike, who's first impulse was to find something else to do that night, actually found himself quite taken by Deb's ideas and encouragement.
Decluttering lead to carpet removal which led to painting which led to Costco and 10 boxes of wood flooring. Friends with saws, they being Deb and the oft-mention cyclist-runner John Clark, stepped in and let the McQuaides have at it. Five days and not much more than $500 later, voila (or however you spell it) a new room was theirs. (And sis Kath's when she comes to visit.) Because the room will house Jen's computer, a TV and stereo (remember stereos?), Deb has named it the Media Room, which the McQuaides find quite charming.
"Sounds like a place where we'll be holding press conferences or something," said Mike, thinking he was being absolutely hilarious.

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