Thursday, December 20, 2007


OK, this being the end of the year, I'd like to share with you a mishmash of photos, some of which are from this year, some of which are not. Below is Lance Armstrong--I mean, me-- in the Mount Baker Hill Climb in September. Absolutely glorius day!
Speaking of another absolutely glorius day, here's the wife, Jen, paddling in June on Mountain Lake on Orcas Island. Below is the ice and snow on that steep-walled stretch of the Lost Lake Trail. That's Scott Young (looking like he's hanging his head after being caught doing something naughty) and Paul Ricci from a couple weeks ago.
Here we're at about mile 2 of the 105-mile Tour de Whatcom ( I saw the photographer and went for it. That's John Clark's left arm. By the way, the TdW raised $15,000 for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Whatcom County. Right on! (Photo by John Brunk.)
Speaking of John, here he is about five years ago starring in "The Giant that Ate Mount Baker".Bake when he was about three or so.
Sunset from the top of Orcas Island's Mount Constitution back in June.
Emma Robbins and Bake on that same Orcas trip. Man, I wish it was summer now!

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