Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Rode up to Galbraith today. Crystal clear and crystal cold. Snow and ice on the on the ground the whole way. If I thought the brakes on the Fantom CX were useless before, when they're covered in gobs of snow and ice they're downright nonexistent.

Saw five or six Washington State Patrol vehicles up there, which is odd, me thought. Later, I took note of a couple young fellers riding bikes and carrying what looked like rifles or pellet guns. Kinda had me scratching me head for a bit.

Snowboarded with Jen, Baker, and the boy's friend Ethan, at Mount Baker on Monday. Like today, incredibly clear and cold--probably teens up there. Saw a couple guys climbing a frozen waterfall which is something I'd have to say I don't ever see myself doing.

A couple Sundays ago we had a true anomoly for this winter--a sunny day with temps in the low 50s. I rode with the Fanatik guys and gals; it was terrific to be riding in a pack with other folks for the first time since probably October. We practiced leadouts and sprints and did one loop of the far Tuesday nighter course--heartrate up to 181 at one point. Man, that felt good.

I want to do it again. Soon.

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