Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Bake and I just got back from a couple fun hot sunny days in Leavenworth where we did a whole lot of hangin' out by the pool, miniature golfing and hoops a-shootin'. First day there, though, the fine folks at Das Rad Haus ( shuttled us up a bumpy, lumpy mountain road so Bake and I could ride the Freund Canyon trail down sans epic climbage. Mucho fun. This is the same trail used for the Indie Series Leavenworth race, it of the water bars and epic downhill speed fame. (Unfortunately, the super-wide lens doesn't do justice to the water bars.) Music is "19-2000" by the Gorillaz.

Also, don't forget about the Padden Mountain Pedal Sunday, July 12. Here's the Innerwebber site:

Lastly, what blogpost about Leavenworth would be complete without a photo of a guy in lederhosen playing the alphorn. Please enjoy:

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