Sunday, August 01, 2010


Scott "Titanium Cowboy" and I rode the 107-mile Tour de Whatcom yesterday, finishing just before the skies opened and sprinkled a bit for the first time since ... when, 4th of July? Great ride, great fun, and the collarbone felt really good.
Photos here are from the Birch Bay rest stop at mile 85 which, incidently, was the first we'd seen of other riders for about 30 miles. We'd been in no man's land since Lynden where we'd split from the group we'd been riding with b/c we were both dying for a cup of coffee. So we pulled into Woods, downed our cups of joe, and thereafter found ourselves on our own fighting a headwind seeminly all the way. No matter, Scott is super strong and I could always fake that my collarbone was hurting if I didn't feel like taking my turn pulling into the wind.
It's a good route--you hit just about every town in Whatcom County--with lots of flat fast sections, particularly early. On highway 9 north--Acme to Deming to Everson--we flew, clicking of the miles at 22-, 24-mph for a couple hours.
Birch Bay is also where the 50-mile riders turnaround, and though we weren't able to find a group to ride home with to Bellingham, it was fun to see all the other riders--lots of big, heavy mountain bikes and otherwise old school rigs. People just out having fun and really, that's what it's all about.
In all, I tallied 107 miles with 2,900 feet of elevation gain.

Next up, Hurricane Ridge on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Looks like a good ride, I have enjoyed all the ride pics and updates.
