Sunday, January 09, 2011


Me, Scott, and John in the distance, on the Ridge Trail.
I didn't see snow in the forecast, did you? (Not that the weather gods ever check with me before doing their thang, but still.) Anyway, B'ham itself had about three inches, probably six to eight higher up on Galby, our destination. 
Titanium Cancellara powers through the snow on the Tower Road.
It was a heavy, sticky snow, one that immediately balled up on our pedals and shoes making clipping in just about impossible. So we got to pretend we were downhillers riding flat pedals.
Scott on one of the Three Pigs (I think). Or Mullet.
The snow and ice added, I don't know--10? 15? 20?--pounds to our bikes. (See below.)
But I'm not complaining. Another great three-hour riding in the books!
John managing to stay upright on the Ridge Trail.

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