Saturday, April 16, 2011


We'd planned on riding the Donut Ride but the roads were still slick from last night's rain so with helmet cam in tow, we headed up to Galbraith instead. Hoping, wishing, fingers crossed, etc., that isn't our last-ever ride up there. Above, Titanium Cancellara up and stomps it. (Somewhere, I'm not sure where.) 
Above, John and Scott catch their respective breaths and get ready for the ride down from the Towers. We talked much about the whole Polygon-Galbraith-the city-the mayor-etc. thang, wondering how it'll play out. To lighten the tension, we tossed up ridiculous Onion-esque headlines, such as: "Polygon Moves to Have Ski to Sea Cancelled"; "Polygon Buys Mt. Baker Ski Area; Illegalizes Snow," etc.   
Above, T.C. on the slippery Mullet bridge. Below, he again stomps it. (Dammit.)
Kinda cool: the three of us have signed up for next month's Stottlemeyer 30-Mile Mountain Bike race near Port Gamble. Should be lots fun. (And hard as hell.) 
A great ride; let's hope there're many more!

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