Sunday, April 03, 2011


Saturday was mountain biking Chuckanut with the Titanium Cowboys, John Clark and Scott Young. Down the Interurban, Fragrance Lake Road to Cleator wherein we all decided we don't feel like climbing any more, then down 2-Dollar as evinced in the above photo. Sunday, Scott and I got in 40-mile road ride: down Chuckanut Drive, where we hooked up with a group of triathletes for a bit, before tilting at a nasty headwind in the Skagit Flats and then turning inland where the evil 13-percent Bow Hill awaited. Both days were damp with temps in the low 40s which isn't bad for January. But of course it's April. Then again, it's NW Washington so what do I expect? (Just a hint of sun and about 12 to 15 more degrees.)

Hey, these are really cool. Titanium Cancellara's wife Gail, made some Titanium Cowboy buttons. (I guess that makes our wives Titanium Cowgirls.) See below:


Switching gears, interesting story in this month's Bicycling magazine: Bill Strickland, long-time Lance Armstrong supporter and author (he wrote "Tour de Lance: The Extraordinary Story of Lance Armstrong's Fight to Reclaim the Tour de France") comes right out and says he's convinced that Lance doped. Bold move by such a mainstream magazine--I noted there were no Trek or Carmichael Training Systems ads (both as usually big advertisers in the mag) as well. Curious as to how this will affect the magazine's bottom line.

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