Sunday, November 27, 2011


Pedaling the Taylor Street Dock on that rarest of rares: a sunny November day with almost no wind.
Headed through the back trails of Lake Padden and on up to Galby. Haven't MTB'd there in a while, or anywhere, really. We've been running, of all things--two, even two-and-a-half-plus hours (that's too damn far)--against my better judgement. Deception Pass 25K is two weeks away, Orcas Island 25K two months away. Happy to report my calf bras (compression sleeve thingees) seem to be doing the trick; haven't had any calf issues in a couple months. (Am I jinxing it by saying that?)
Titanium Cancellara chasing the sun. Yes, really, the sun. I mean, in November 'n' all.
Steve Vanderstaay joined us for Friday's ride; nice to have him along.
Stellar pic of me at the Galby Towers eating a PowerBar.
Lastly, check out my story about Ryan Rickerts and Jacob Stewart in the latest issue of Adventures NW available now.

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