Thursday, May 31, 2012


Click here for my Seattle Times story about cycling in Chelan and Wenatchee, also known as (to me, anyway) Chelanatchee. (Or Wenatchelan.) Excellent pedaling over there, that's sure. 


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hi Mike, This article started off on the wrong foot with the silly names. If you want to irritate the locals go ahead and use these names. Next in the interest of correction Manson is west of Chelan. Remember you are in farm country, Bike riders are only around sporadically for a couple of months, just advise Bike riders to ride Heads Up. No one wants anyone hurt and the locals actually enjoy having bike riders around, they just aren't tuned into watching for them very well.

    Now that I have vented, I have a couple of rides for you to try. Head out east of Chelan on old highway 97. Once you get out of town you will have incredible vistas untill you see the airport, take Apple Acres road to Ice Caves State park. Be careful of the caves in the summer, ice can fall. Continue just past the caves to Antoine creek road. If you take a good Forest Service map you can get all the way to the top of Billygoat Mountain or you can come clear around to Cooper Mountain road,(I recomend Tim's Chelan rentals-hot tubs and all)and drop down into Chelan. The rout from Chelan to 25 Mile Creek State Park is a great easy ride and if you get out early enough you can catch the Lady of the Lake at Fields Point Landing. The Lady can drop you at Lucerne for a tough ride to Holden(all up hill). Continue on to Stehekin and explore the wilderness for miles and miles. Good luck Have fun and Keep your head up.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The last post was mine. I am Dave Reynolds and my E-mail add is I grew up in that area. I don't like to post anonymous but I couldn't figure out how to post any other way.
