Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Did a quick up and down at Galby yesterday on the 'cross bike. (Still feeling the effects of Saturday's Skagit Century.) I rode Ridge Trail to Cedar to well, Rock 'n' Roll doesn't seem to be there anymore, to various dirt roads and out the Padden side. Madone, but the trails were dry. This hot (for us) sunny weather has them seeming all Winthropy, if you know what I mean, almost dusty. No precip in the forecast 'til at least Sunday. Get up there if you can!

In other news, June 8 and 9 Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance’s annual Mountain Bike Festival at Issaquah's Duthie Hill Mountain Bike Park. This year's event will also celebrate the completion of the park after three years and some 12,000 hours of volunteer labor. The festival is free. For more info, go here.

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