Monday, June 18, 2012


Looking forward to Friday when the Titanium Cowboys and I head to Chelan (don't call it Chelanatchee!) for Saturday's Chelan Century Challenge, a day of gettin' our climb on. With 8,600 feet of climbing in its 103 miles, I vow personally to turn no pedals in anger until I am within sight of the finish line at Morse Park. Should I see a speedy paceline, I make like a third-base coach and wave it on past me, for the McNeil Canyon climb awaits--2,200 feet in 5 miles--but not 'til mile 53 or so. Until then, it's take-'er-easy time.

Also looking forward to Wednesday's Bellingham REI slideshow. Thanks to everyone who registered for the free event--it filled up! (I so wish I had charged a nickel so that I could honestly say it sold out; mentioning that the slideshow "freed out" doesn't sound that impressive.) If you haven't registered but still want to go, be aware that lots of folks sign up for stuff but never show up the night of the event, so get on the wait list by clicking here

And then there's always REI Issaquah on Thursday, June 28. I'll be doing a slideshow-signing there as well. Go here.

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