Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Just a reminder that Thursday I'll be doing a slideshow for "75 Classic Rides: Washington: at REI Issaquah. The event is free, but registration is required. Click here to register. Hope to see you there!
Now, more Chelan Century Challenge pics:

The sun comes out near the end of Loop 1. Sorta. Tried to.

Johnny Boy Clark on the crazy-fun Winesap Avenue descent.

The final rest stop at about mile 94. Pretty much nothing tastes good by this point.

John looks a tad ill at ease ease posing with Miss Lake Chelan and her two runners up. Mark Clausen, on the other hand, appears quite comfortable.

One of several gulch climbs on Loop 1 ...

... one of which--Ivan Morse Road--just sorta petered out into dirt ...

... joined now by another Scott from Bellingham, we broke out the map and tried to figure out where we'd gone wrong. No biggie; it all worked out fine.

Mr. Pungent, a painting that caught my eye at Chelan's very cool Local Myth Pizza.

The last aid station. (Again.)

Somewhere on Loop 1.

Titanium Cowboys let loose on the streets of Chelan. (Sidewalk, actually.)

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