Sunday, March 17, 2013


Before we left for Luxembourg, we’d read about the American Women’s Club of Luxembourg which is supposed to be a great resource for Americans living here. They publish a useful guidebook, hold meetings and outings, offer French classes, etc.  Turns out, they’re located right next door to our apartment. (A lot of doctors, lawyers, dentists and various organizations have offices in apartments around here too.) 

The other day, I’d just finished a run and looked out the window to see a small group of women standing around chatting outside the building next door. Somehow, I just knew they were American. So I cracked open the window and sure enough, I heard the familiar clang of American English. Not sure, how I knew they were American—something about their coats and bags, not quite as chic, more useful against the cold; the way they faced each other, smiled, laughed lots and nodded. 

I ran down and introduced myself and got some basic information—they’d just come from a meeting at the American Women’s Club. I asked if the club was just for women and one of them said, “Yes, in fact there’s a room full of naked women up there right now,” and we all laughed in our American way. They also told me that a Men’s group was also starting but they didn’t have any details.  I said, “It’s not just a bunch of man-cave types, is it?”

I went upstairs, met the club president (Yes, it is for women only), saw a French class going on and got some contact info for a French teacher and the men’s club. The club president showed me a room where they stock a whole bunch of American food that you can’t get in Luxembourg but that club members can buy--peanut butter, Reece’s peanut butter cups, pop tarts, Sugar Pops and other breakfast cereals, etc. Later, when I get back home, I look out my window to the building next door and there in a second-story window, I can see bags of Doritos, Lay's potato chips and Funions! The top of a Jif crunchy peanut butter jar too, which fairly makes me salivate every time I look out that window.

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