Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here's Bake in front of the Rock Racing Bentley, of which he was most enamored. Below, Bake and I pose with Versus' Paul Sherwen, who seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
Below, the lead group makes its way up a minor bump (to them) on one of the Pasadena circuits.
Floyd Landis below after stage 8. (Still not sure how I feel about the guy; fans seemed to love him though.)
Batman drives Cole Grade after the peloton passes.

Here's the stragglers group on Cole Grade which was a 9-percent climb for 3 miles. Tyler Hamilton, Mark Cavendish and Wenatchee's own Tyler Farrar are in this photo. At this point they were 18 minutes behind eventual winner Frank Schleck.
Below the ever-smiling Chris Horner makes it up with a faster group.
Bake and some of his Cole Grade artwork.
Not sure what the story is with this bike. The guy was just riding it around the finish area in Pasadena.
The lead group charges up the road in Pasadena.

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