Saturday, February 28, 2009


Lance Armstrong, Michael Rogers and Levi Leipheimer zoom by in this video shot by Jen McQuaide! Jonathan Vaughters, Garmin head honcho and argyle advocate in Solvang after the time trial.
Hey buddy, you mind slippin' me one or two of them wheels there?
An intriguing member of the Pasadena tifosi.A newly shorn Bob Roll after stage 7 in Pasadena.
Big George Hincapie leads the charge up a bump in Pasadena.

Some of Quick-Step's quite fetching Tarmac and Roubaix SL2's. Below, Rock Racing's Kestrel RT 800 which, quite frankly, looked a bit low-rent compared to the other rides at the TOC. ( is selling them for about $2,700.)

Jen, Bake and I at our home for five hours on Cole Grade on stage 8. The ridge behind us is Palomar Mountain, which the riders had to climb first.
Christian VandeVelda kinda suffering a bit up the grade.

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