Fanatik's Celio Guifarro, as you can see in the top photo, wins the Cat 4 Crit. Way to go, Celio!
I won the Masters C/D Crit with an epic push over the final three laps -- no, wait, that's not true at all. I got yanked, a whistle blown at me (how rude) and the off-with-his-head motion made, after 18 minutes of the 30-minute Crit. Voted off the island, as it were. But at least I really hated the experience and will probably never ever do another Crit as long as I live.
Time Trial was kinda cool. Rode 6 miles in 16 minutes and 2 seconds. (Which just sounds fast, doesn't it?) Good for 33rd out of 57 Masters C/D riders. However, had I done Cat 5, where there seemed to be a dearth of aero helmets, disk wheels, and time trial bikes (just like me), I would've been 8th. Which sounds better than thirty-frickin'-third, don't you think? So next time I think I'll ... anybody? ... that's right, I'll do Cat 5.
Woke up Sunday. Felt crummy. Skipped the road race. Drove home. Watched The Sopranos that night. Two episodes left.
I think Tony's going down.