Area man is scrambling to meet his June 1 book deadline so here's the quick and dirty on the Stottlemeyer 30, which the Titanium Cowboys tackled on Saturday. (First up, thanks to Yumay Chang for all the great pics.)
Photo proof (not Photoshopped or anything) that I at one time was actually ahead of Titanium Cancellara and John Clark in a race. Granted, this is about 100 yards into it but I'll take what I can get. |
A super day both weatherwise and race wise. The course (for us 30ers) was two 15-mile laps through lots of tight, twisty (in parts, muddy) trails, some fast crazy-fun flowy sections and some dirt road bits too. Not big long climbs or anything (nothing Tower Road or Fragrance Lake Road-esque) but certainly challenging in its own way.
Mild-mannered Scott Young before he turns into ... |
Scott and I opted for Single-Speed of which he won and I was 4th. Way to go, Scott! (I think 4th place earns me a naugehyde medal. Or is it pleather?) Johnny Boy Clark rode geared and, sporting a sleek new sexy carbon Niner fork, took 3rd in the Masters division. Quite nice. Our times were something like 2:50 and 2:53 for John and Scott respectively, mine was 3:07.
... Titanium Cancellara with a bit of Jens Voigt's "Shut up, legs!" mindset. |
I enjoyed the most cringe-worthy moment of the day when with about 100 yards to the finish , I commenced an all-out uphill sprint to catch the rider just ahead of me. I believe I caught him, but it was all for naught as, in my blind-rage sprinting fury I had no idea where the actual finish line was. Seeing an arrow pointing straight ahead, I followed it back into the woods as if I was about to start another lap. When I caught my error, I skidded to an ugly stop and, now crazily out of control, somehow ended up on my airse in the bushes, embarrased and exhausted, a rather interesting combo. Feeling rather foolish as I sat there, I finally spotted the finish line and watched as three four riders (who, unlike me, weren't sprinting jackasses) crossed it ahead of me. I think I finished 23rd but would've been top 20 had I not sprinted.
The beginning of a very fun, if painful 3 hours. |
Truth be told, I learned nothing. I'd sprint again in a second. Though perhaps with an eye out for the finish line next time.