Friday, February 09, 2007


A few days ago, Bake's second grade class put on a Freedom Play and Musical for the whole school. Along with playing the part of a Student Speaker, Bake was the accompanist which was pretty darn cool. He was relaxed, calm and played great. He even got to take a bow at the end.

In Chuckanut 50K news, looks like Christy Fazio is out. She took another fall this past Sunday and running downhill is just too painful. So it's down to four. The Fab 4, as I like to think of it, though others prefer the Core 4.

This Sunday, we're running the final 40K of the course, which is an annual run I usually find some way to avoid. But not this year, baby--I'm gonna do it up but good!

And now, please enjoy a photo I shot for The Seattle Times of a pug in Fairhaven with a statue of Dirty Dan Harris.

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