Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It's here, baby. Or will be Saturday. The 8-hour race in NorCal that John Clark and I have been training for all winter. Above is a shot from last year's Boggs race (; it looks dry and Eastern Washington-ish, which will be a welcome change from what we've been riding in since early December. See below with the mucho deep snow.
We're leaving B'ham around 5 p.m. on Thursday by Nissan Versa and hope to make it down below Portland before we call it a night. Friday should be about nine hours of driving, maybe a quick stop to check out the course (it's a nine-mile loop we ride over and over again for eight hours), then to our motel for some shut-eye. Saturday, we race. Can't wait!
Oh yeah, on Thursday, check out my story on getting your bike ready for spring in the Seattle Times Northwest Weekend section.

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