Sunday, June 27, 2010


Early Saturday, Scott Young and I headed down to Camano Island to ride the 40-mile island loop that pretty much traces the island's perimeter. (Does that make sense, or does it imply that we rode in the waters of Puget Sound surrounding the island?) Doing a bit of research for this road-biking book I'm working on.
Kind of a mellow-seeming artists' island, Camano has lots of fun roads with killer water views and leg-shredding rollers. Interesting road-side tchotchkes such as the wooden Sasquatch-mountain man dude at the top and the '50s sci-fi looking contraption that Scott's peering into below. Just above, Scott climbs the steep but short pitch out of Camano Island State Park. Whidbey Island in the background. 
Collarbone willing, I'm hoping to get out lots more in the coming weeks as I ride road routes throughout the state. Want to climb Mount Erie, ride to Sunrise at Mount Rainier, cross Washington Pass on Highway 20, and lots lots more.  

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