Sunday, August 19, 2012


Put simply: this was my most epicest mountain bike epic ever--82 miles with 10,472 feet of elevation gain. And oh yeah, temps hit 102! With the indomitable duo of Brian Ecker and Scott Young. (Nice to have Stewart Bowmer along for the first 15 miles as well; he peeled off when pavement turned to dirt.) Please enjoy some pics ...
Brian and Scott before the descent from Parachute (or Tiffany?) Meadow on FS 39. At 6,800 feet, this was the literal high point of the ride. As you can see, there's much evidence of past forest fires.

Scott approaches Freezeout Ridge, the first of three summits above 6,300 feet.

On his beefed-up 'cross bike, Brian climbs FR 39 somewhere on the shoulder of Tiffany Mountain.

Stewart Bowmer joined us for the approach climb on the paved section of FR 37. Nice to have him along.

Fairly early on the 16-mile, 4,000-foot descent into Conconully. Sun, lots of sun. Sun and heat were the themes of the day. And climbing too--10,000-plus feet of it.

Scott and my steeds: 29er mountain bikes.

Brian rode a 'cross bike with mountain bike gearing and cranks, 29er rims (I believe) and a Softride suspension stem. On this ride I learned a couple things about Brian. 1) he climbs really fast and 2) he descends really, really, really fast.

I provide vital support while Brian fixes a flat.

Using his magical SteriPen, Brian makes the waters of Boulder Creek potable.

Before the ride, fidgety Scott Young appears keyed up and unable to relax.

The bustling metropolis of Conconully. Population: 211. Temperature during our visit: 102.

At the Freezeout Ridge trailhead, Brian waits for Titanium Cowboys. That would be another of the day's themes.

Scott Young gets down on some of the 10,000 feet of climbing.

Is this thing working?

Here's our route:


  1. Wow - nice ride...

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    That is quite the epic ride. Something to strive for.
