Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today, I raced the Indie Series ( Whidbey Island Mudder race, two laps of a really fun 6-mile technical (for moi) course that had some BMX-ish pump tracks and these funky mounds that were like giant anthills. Sandy, dirty, kinda kooky lotsa fun. A couple fast descents--I got up to 29 mph at one point--and some steady sandy climbs that broke up the field pretty good.

Guess what--I winned the 45-plus Beginner Race again which was great fun. Haven't seen the results yet but I think Erik Evanson, riding a single-speed, finished second just like two weeks ago.

Above is a video of part of the course shot during a warm-up lap with my new helmet cam. (I'm hoping someday to get a monkey cam, just like the old funny David Letterman show.)

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