Sunday, July 25, 2010


Yesterday, I headed out on a 50-miler suggested by cycling friend Corrina Marote. A true leg-shredder if there ever was one. Basically, the perimeters of Fidalgo Island (where Anacortes is), the Swinomish Reservation, March  Point, as well as a crazy evil thing called Mount Erie thrown in for fun. Started out on the Tommy Thompson Trail, the cool trestle trail (fun to say "twessle twail") that crosses Fidalgo Bay into Anacortes. (See photo at the bottom.) Out toward the ferry terminal then south where Marine Drive (does every town in Washington State have a Marine Drive?) makes like a roller coaster, yanking you up, then down, then up and down again.  
Then a foray to the middle of the island where Mount Erie awaits. I've ridden this hill maybe three or four times--never fails to shock and annoy. Incredibly steep. Climbs 900 feet in the longest 1.5 miles you'll ever ride in your life. Steepest thing around. The Power House Hill that causes all sorts of bother in the Mount Baker Hill Climb is 600 feet in 1.8 miles; in other words, pancake flat compared to Mount Erie.
From there more fun heading south and east toward the Swinomish Reservation (across from La Conner) where a terrific, low-traffic, mostly flat loop awaited. Then north to March Point where there was essentially another one, albeit this one with tidewater--Padilla and Fidalgo bays--on the right the whole way. Super fun 50-miler with 3,400 feet of climbing.

Top photo is Mount Baker above a really low tide on Padilla Bay mit curious eagle checking out the buffet offerings. Middle photo is nominee for the best-named road I've come across so far; it's on Swinomish Reservation.


  1. Aha! Here's this post about the 50-miler -- well hidden in your blog that I regularly check. Thanks for the report and pix!

  2. Thank you for suggesting the route!
