Monday, July 09, 2012


I got this cool e-mail the other day from Bellinghamster Harvey Chute:

"Hi Mike,

I've been enjoying your blog, and thought I'd let you know. One earlier post caught my attention... as I'm working on a goal to hike every trail in Galbraith, which will probably require 200 miles of hiking and take me a few months. So it was with interest that I found your post about biking all of Galbraith in a single day! Wow! That's impressive and good for you and your group to cover so much of the mountain in that time!!

I've tallied up 94 named trails on Galbraith, plus another 50 numbered logging roads. My goal is to cover all 144 of them by end of summer, and I'm about 1/3 of the way through that.

Anyway, thanks for your blogging of our local area and its amazing outdoor recreation opportunities.

- Harvey"

That's so cool! To keep tabs on Harvey's progress, here's his blog
Harvey and Rainey on the Ridge Trail overlooking B'ham and Bellingham Bay.

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