Monday, April 07, 2008


It all started when our friend Deb, who's a kind-of Feng Shui-Declutter Nazi, convinced Jen that she just had to have claw foot tub. Upon purchase, the tub sat in our living room for months. ...

Then a contractor dude was called in. The demo, as those dang remodel shows on HGTV call it, was next. ...
Then painting and a new floor. Here, an overeager Jen thinks the new tub has already been installed but alas, she's mistaken. ...
Floormaster John Clark was brought in to fix a misplaced hole that was cut in the marmoleum. ...
Vwala! (Voila!) Almost. ...
Here, I try to make a call on the fancy-pants plumbing fixture. ... Bake enjoys a bath in the new claw foot tub apparatus thing. Oh joy! Personally, I'm afraid to go near the thing. But maybe that's just me.
And of course, let us all hail Stijn Devolder who won yesterday's Tour of Flanders. Incredible race and great jersey too.
Speaking of cycling, Floormaster Clark, Scott Young and I have gotten out on some great rides recently. Saturday, we rode the Donut then north to Semiahmoo. Tom Fryer and Steve Vanderstay joined us. Great fun. About 60 miles in all.
Bake and I are off to New Jersey for a week to visit me da. An old high school buddy has a bike I can use so I hope to get some riding in. Should be good; Jersey's got some great rolling hills!

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