Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Here're some more pics, a mix of GoPro seatpost-mounted shots and handheld shots. This post has Hill Climb photos as well. 

Also, just to let you know, I'll be doing some upcoming slideshows and book signings at Puget Sound area REI stores; click on the EVENTS box up there for more info. I'd love to see you there. (All events are free but you have to register online to ensure a spot.) I'll no doubt be using some of these shots in my presentations.

Enjoy ... 
I love this guy's expression. It's like, 'OMG, this McQuaide dude is just killing it up Powerhouse Hill; it's all I can do to hold his wheel.' Then again, he could be thinking: 'I just wish this old guy would get out of my way.'
Red. Love the red in pics. It just pops.
Saw several kids riding on Sunday. That was cool. 
Orange pops too.
See above comment re: kids.
Nathan Cranston (550) of Everson. He e-mailed me that he lives in the "lesser known bicycling paradise of Everson." E-town rocks, baby! Ride 34 in my "75 Classic Rides" book begins and ends in Everson!

See above comment re: red.
I dig this guy's Jens Voigt expression. SHUT UP, LEGS!
The final K fog.
This was with about 150 meters to go. Must've been really freaky for riders who'd never been here before. They must've been afraid they were going to ride off the edge of the earth. 
Thanks B'ham Herald photog for tilting the camera and making it look like I'm climbing really, really fast. 
The aftermath of the little Powerhouse Hill crash. (See post below for more details.) Here, rider 677 checks bike damage after I unavoidably rode over his bike.  
Some friendly folks out for a 24.5-mile ride. That climbs 4,300 feet. And ends in a 45-degree foggy soup.
Fast guys.
Fast and not-as-fast guys.
Fast guys.
Bellingham's Philip Buri, all smiles on the descent.
Pat Skaggs and family. Cold.
Hot Bodies in Motion. These guys were good! 

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