Thursday, July 19, 2012


We at Mike McQuaide (in other words, me) want to wish good luck to fellow Bellinghamster (and fellow Columbia Neighborhoodster) Brian Ecker, who'll be grinding it out in this weekend's Race Across Oregon. I'll let Brian describe it:

"Starts at 5am in Hood River. 520+ mi, 46,000+ ft of climbing. Small but VERY talented field this year. It should make things interesting. I am hoping the ton of miles/climbing in June and the 11lb weight loss since April will bring me some favors!"

Follow his progress here, starting at about 5 a.m. Saturday.

BTW, Brian is also a noted coach and, something that I quite enjoy, a really good writer whose race reports are super informative and entertaining. Here's his website; I just now enjoyed his report on the Tour of the Unknown Coast (Brian won) which includes a race video shot by remote-control helicopter. Cool or what?

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